Ive played it for maybe 20 mins and I actually enjoy this game. Although it lags when I look away from directly beneath me or when dinosaurs spawn its tolerable considering how fun the game is. Dinosaur spawns are extremely high as in I was being chased by a T-Rex and another one spawned in front of me. Some stuff that should be in the next update: lag fixes, lower Dino spawn rate, more items to craft, ability to pickup structures/trophies placed down (in case your moving or messed up the placing) a highlighted image of the item your place so you can see where it goes, and maybe even Dino taming. One more thing. It seems like every Dino is hostile except stegosaur and there only seems to be bunnies brontos rexs trikes tigers and stegos maybe change bunnies to dodos and add a pterodactyl or an argentavis that you can tame and ride. Im sorry if this seems like a lot to add in but I feel like with this stuff it will make a fun and cool game awesome. (If possible multiplayer would be pretty cool)
DeathFactor66 about World of Dinos, v2.1