Game has potential but needs some major fixes. First of all, some dinosaurs need to be neutral unless attacked. Second of all, make the dinosaurs unrelentless. Every single time I play, a t-rex shows up and chases me down nonstop no matter how far I go and walks right over my walls or literally flies over my walls and kills me. Even if I kill him, he comes right back. All the animals have this annoying tendency to lock onto me and never stop chasing me until Im dead. Once I got completely surrounded by two long necks, a t-rex, a triceratops, and others and could not leave my base without dying. Another thing, longer gameplay. I can only play for a few minutes at a time before I either get overwhelmed with dinosaurs surrounding me, or my stuff in my bag start disappearing and the stuff I just built disappear too. Plus, once I make my weapons and tools, I should be able to keep them and not have to keep remaking them every single time I start the game. Also, I can get a triceratops skull no problem. But no matter how many t-rexs I kill, it wont give me a t-rex skull. Fix these, and Ill give the game five stars.
Ms.Dahlia about World of Dinos